Red Hohner accordion

Hohner is basically a company famous for its high quality accordions. Based on the company’s history, the first model of Hohner accordion was designed and manufactured in 1893, when the original founder Matthias Hohner died. His sons were the ones who decided to expand the business to include the manufacture of a new reed instrument, the accordion. Since then, Hohner quickly built a parallel reputation for excellence, and they have been well-known as a top accordion manufacturer due to their strict dedication to quality that continues up to these days.

For nearly a century, it has been noted that the world’s greatest musicians have revered the distinct sound of Hohner accordions. Speaking of “Hohner sound”, for which the company’s accordions are regarded, it is noted that it originates from the responsive and precisely tuned Hohner reed, as well as from the resonant construction of the woodwork. It has also been claimed that shortly after the company started manufacturing Hohner accordions, such unique sound launched the company’s accordion to the top of the international market. It is where the Hohner accordions continue to be recognized as the world’s leading brand.

There are specifically two kinds of Hohner accordions: the Diatonic and Piano accordions. In terms of Diatonic accordions, there are about thirteen Hohner accordion models in the current list. These include the HA-3522 Corona II Classic, HA-35 Corona II, Corona III, HA-3100 Panther, HA-3000 Erica, HA-1600 Corso, HA-2815, Double Ray, HA-114, 3002 and 3002B Ariette, and D40 Concertina. Of these Diatonic Hohner accordion models, the Corono II top the list. In fact, it has become an official Classic. Perhaps, this is because the Corono II is capable of giving you the full resonant sound you should expect from Hohner, as well as a celluloid cover, wood keyboard, double strap brackets, improved bellow straps, and a lot more.

In the Piano Hohner accordions, five groups or series are currently available. These include the Morino Piano models, New Bravo Series, Hohnica Accordions, Amica Series, and the Nova Series Chromatic Accordions. Of these series, it is the Morino Piano models that have been world renowned as the best Piano Hohner accordions on the market.

Nowadays, these models of Hohner accordions are sold worldwide with aluminum framed plastic carrying case, at reasonable prices. However, the prices may differ depending on the suggested retail. Therefore, it is necessary to call your local music dealer for consumer pricing in your area.

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